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Doctor & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor and staff who make EyeCare Center of Camden the leading provider of vision care products and services in Camden.

Staff group photo

Dr. Edgar Ekure

The EyeCare Center of Camden is proud to welcome Dr. Ekure to the Camden Community.

Dr. Edgar Ekure graduated from the University of Benin in Nigeria, obtaining his Bachelor’s and Doctor of Optometry degrees with honors. He further obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Vision Research from Nova Southeastern University, where he excelled, becoming the first graduate clinical vision research student to obtain the president’s research grant award for his seminal study on The Global Summation of Radial Frequency Patterns and the Effect of Transient Glare on Shape Discrimination.

Dr. Ekure is a published researcher who has presented lectures at national and international scientific conferences. His Clinical interest is in primary care optometry, emphasizing contact lens practice, glaucoma, and neuro-optometry. Dr. Edgar Ekure has been practicing since 1992. Dr. Ekure is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry.

Greg Relyea, Board Certified Optician

Greg has been in the optical profession since 1985, and has been at the EyeCare Center of Camden since 1990.

He is a NYS Licensed Optician, is American Board of Opticianry certified, and is a graduate and former Fellow of the National Academy of Opticianry. With 20+ years of dispensing experience, Greg’s even-keeled patience, skill, and professionalism ensure that he is able to provide fashionable, comfortable-fitting eyewear for patients from age 9 months to over 90 years old. He has even been known to make “house call” deliveries and perform after-hour emergency repairs! Greg is an experienced contact lens wearer, laser vision correction client, and has tried corneal molding.

Representing the fourth and fifth generations, of his family to live in Camden, he and his wife, Michelle live in town. When he is not at work, Greg enjoys pursuing physical fitness, outdoor recreation, and reading, as well as spending time with his family.

Tammy Potter, Front Desk Coordinator

Tammy is currently serving as our Front Desk Coordinator. She is the first person you will speak to when you call or stop in to our office. Her duties include scheduling appointments, billing insurances, and handling any questions that you may have regarding your visit to our office.

Lydia Mahle, Optometric Technician

Lydia performs pre-tests to assist the Doctors during your eye health examination; which include Visual Field Screening, Fundus Photography, Auto-Refract and Visual Acuities. With her warm smile, friendliness & compassion towards patients will certainly put you at ease.